How we build our apps

Based in Bristol, we are an agency that loves taking ideas and turning them into mobile apps. We have been operating since 2015, which means your code is in safe hands. Below, you will find a bit more about our team and how we work.

Have a project in mind?

We push the boundaries of what is possible when building a mobile app. If you don't win then we have failed you. Our focus, of course, is on writing world-class code. But we understand without real people, with real businesses, working towards real goals, then good code is useless.

However technical building an app may seem, for you, it's simple. Tell us your goals and together we will build you an app that gives you the best possible chance of success.

What to expect...​

Building an app is a huge business decision, we totally get that this isn’t small. By you being on our site shows you are up for improving your life and taking some risks, but let's face it, your livelihood is on the line, so our goal is to help deviate as many risks as possible, giving you the best chance for success. Below is how we work👇

Our ethics
It's your app. Never forget that.

A lot of app development companies are known for taking your money and achieving little results. We promise to never work like this, here are some of our ethics to hopefully give you an idea of how we work.

No. Your idea is important and worth a lot. We aren’t a company that steals ideas and before we talk, we are happy to sign NDA’s. Giving you a peace of mind that your idea is safe with us.

We charge a day rate of £450 for each of our coders. When we quote you we are working out how many hours each feature will take and dividing that by our day rate. On occasion, some features will take longer than we expected, but if this happens we will communicate clearly with you.

Strava wasn’t built in one day and neither will your app. Until we know your idea it’s hard to give you an accurate estimate. However, below is the 4 stages of development with a rough idea of time scales.

Vision – We fully understand your ideas and goals. (Usually takes 1-2 weeks)

Design – Together we will design how your app will look, work and grow. (Usually takes 1-2 months)

Execute – We will build your app. (Usually between 3-9 months)

Learn – We take what we have built, learn from it and repeat the process above.

No. Everyone in the team is UK based. Apart from one of our developers who has moved to Scotland, everyone else spends at least 2 days a week in our Bristol office.

We work in an agile way. This means you will regularly be shown what we are doing. When we start building your app, we will work out different stages of the build and charge you when we have completed the agreed features. This usually looks like being asked to pay smaller chunks each month. But we can discuss this in more detail.

  1. To keep to the agreed budget, time scale.
  2. To build you the right technology that grows your business.
  3. Not to oversell technology you do not need.
  4. Not to quote you with hidden costs.
  5. Not to waste your time.



There is so much to process when building an app. Below are a few videos we have made over the years that you may find helpful.